Computer IT Sales & Service
Virus/Malware Removal
Over 25 Years Experience
0433 204 166
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Computer IT Services
- We are mobile Computer IT specialists servicing Adelaide and Suburbs for over 20 Years.
- We repair any Computer problems ranging from Virus Repairs / PC Cleanup to full System Rebuilds.
- We speak no technical talk because we know the last thing you want to hear is computer talk that doesn’t mean anything to you.
- We come to you and fix almost all problems at your house / place of business unless we need to take your valuable Computer to our Workshop which we’ll return as quickly as possible. You will not need to leave your home.
- We keep many Spare Parts with us to be able to fix your Computer on the spot.
- We can repair laptops ranging from speeding up your laptop to screen and keyboard replacements.
- We can provide Insurance Reports for your accidentally damaged Computer that isn’t financially viable to repair.